What are you planning this summer? Are you going to beach? Can you wear a swimming suit with your body? If you want to lose your weight I recommend Wii. Wii Sports is, quite simply, excellent fun. Playing Wii Sports games increased energy expenditure by 60kcal per hour compared with playing the other console.
Are you getting bored of Wii Fit yet? If you want to achieve something with the Wii Fit Board, like losing weight or gaining some strength, then you’ll have to continue exercising and you’ll achieve your goal.

I introduce one of a parson who is lose weight by Wii sports. That is Nicole Richie, she was pragnant but after that she lost her weight quickly. she said that she played Wii everyday and she got back her originally skinny body.
If you use Wii you could lose weight healthy and fun!

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